WEB TO: Sin City

I'm Back! I guess since the last posting, i've been working on a project that premieres at E3. It turned out awesome! I'm really proud of it, and will be bringing you a peek at it as soon as I can.

So until that pops, I can say that I saw Sin City. -nice. Rob.Rod. does it again. Now i've worked on a Rob.Rod. production(s). I know how hard it is for the post team. I have to say my hat is off to them. Sin City turned out awesome. Very graphic, and that style lent to Rob.Rod.'s pipeline.

This summer is turning out to be a thunderstorm of work. Janimation has a few things lined up that should initiate a blip on the radar. So be ready for that to drop.

This guy who MC's a San Antonio radio show sent me a huge mix of music. The one I think you should check out is M.I.A Arular! Holy Cow. Nuff said.

on the 13th Kim and I are heading out to the Dominican Republic. Rest and Relaxation! Woot!

More soon!
