IPOD TO: DangerDoom
WEB TO: Harry's Poster Page

Yeah, I've been pretty bad about updating this in the new year. I'll try to be better. ;-)

So the new links page is awesome! I'm able to dymanically update my links page on the fly while I surf!! Thank you del.icio.us! I have logged so many great artists and websites of wonder! Please swing by my link cluster and have a gander.

Today A&M Dallas's portfolio class invited me out to show off my goods and to chat about "why the hell anyone would want to get into production?" It's always fun to hear the questions asked like I have some great insite. *laugh* The only thing I could contribute was first-hand-experience. When the students learn that everyone is just making it up as they go, and are not guarding some 'hidden' knowledge that'll make it a straight shot to any profession.
Work is hard. Producing is harder. Promotion is the hardest. And guess what a student is doing right out of school. Not until experience is earned, and a badge of bitterness awarded can someone really graduate to a 'battle hardned production artist". Until then your fodder. ;-)

Now don't let any of that scare you students. It was encouraging to see such advanced work coming out of the school. It shows the students are using the software, and creating content!
Looks like some students are focusing on just executing with Maya, but I can see some budding filmmakers and designers in the ones I looked at. It's encouraging!

In other news, Invasion has undergone a serious storyboarding frenzy. Who knows, I'm expecting to have an animatic in the coming weeks. Got music, will edit them all together when I have time, and will post it on the site.
